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Updated: Mar 26

Circleblocks® is a very exciting new Swedish start-up with an ambition to rethink and challenge the construction industry. The intital focus has been on creating a more sustainable, energy-effective, dynamic, flexible and comfortable living and working space module for temporary sites.

For One have chosen to invest in and actively support this venture. We believe there is much to be done in this sector and that innovations from Circleblocks® can contribute to positive and necessary changes in terms of sustainability, circularity and energy consumption.

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Insights | Opportunity mapping | Business concept & strategy | Positioning | Brand strategy & concept | Brand identity | Visual systems | Industrial design | Architecture | Construction | B2B sales strategy | Start-up advisory and more..


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Updated: Mar 26

ForOne took on the challenge to help Elon transform its business concept and brand. It was high time. Competition in the market was fierce and getting sharper by the minute. So we set out to rethink the entire case: create a more attractive brand, open for category expansion and move into new geographical markets. And we must say, we are very proud of what we achieved together with the brilliant people at Elon.

“A very impressive strategy transformation and operational implementation achieved within a very tight timeframe that has opened up for huge business opportunities and increased brand attractiveness within existing and new markets and segments, resulting in added revenues, improved market share and increased profitability.” /Stefan Lebrot, CEO, Elon Group AB

In this case, we pretty much did it all

Business & market insights | Opportunity mapping | Market segmentation | Brand strategy | Brand world | Trade up strategy | CRM concept | Store concept | Store communications | Market communications | Portfolio strategy | and much much more...

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Updated: May 27, 2023

Sometimes people get crazy ideas and we just love crazy, especially if it also contains an element of doing good. That's the Joppi® brand project in a nutshell. With some very interesting insights and hypotheses into what drives health and happiness, the Joppi® team of enthusiasts is experimenting with stuff that in one way or another inspires and empower people, especially younger generations, to be more physically and socially active in the real world.

Yes, it's a huge and sort of unfocused target, but that's just what makes it even more fun and challenging for us to fool around with. That nut to crack. So where this project will eventually take us, we have no idea, but it is a super interesting field to think about and experiment with and some day we just might have something really cool to show for that in one way or the other can have a positive impact. For now, though, we're just happy having some nice merchandise to enjoy, a registered brand and a brand symbol that people just seem to fall in love with.

That is a good start, wouldn't you say?

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If you're interested in learning more about Joppi®, contribute to our Joppi® adventure or other projects like it, please contact Who knows what opportunities a meeting could bring?

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